Migrated to Hugo
Posted August 30, 2020
Reading time: 1 minute
I have successfully migrated my blog from Jekyll
to Hugo. The ability to generate the entire site from
a single executable is very appealing. What pushed me to finally make the move was a security notification from GitHub: apparently
one of the ruby gems Jekyll relies on had a vulnerability. I’m not a ruby developer, and I blog so infrequently that it’s a pain to try
to remember how to update my local ruby environment and keep everything working, so… Hugo it is!
I also used this as an opportunity try self-hosting this on a cloud Linux machine. I’m using GitHub Actions to generate the HTML and deploy the site. So far, it’s all working very well.
A massive thank you to Aaron Powell for blazing the trail and documenting the process of using GitHub Actions for deployment of a Hugo-based site.
Also, a big shoutout to Brian P. Hogan for writing an excellent book, Building Websites with Hugo, which was indispensible in my learning process.
Thanks for stopping by the new digs!